Think less, do more

Your thoughts are writing checks your actions can’t cash. We sit in conferences, devour books, and fill notebooks with brilliant ideas. Meanwhile, our to-do lists grow longer and our impact shrinks. According to a study, 95% of people believe they are...

When to cut your losses

The $1.7 million trap started with a promise. A successful restaurateur, educated at Wharton, gave away her empire piece by piece. Not to a sophisticated con artist, but to an obvious fraudster who couldn’t even keep his story straight. The gravitational pull of...

See what you want?

We all do it. Cherry-pick data that supports our beliefs. Dismiss evidence that challenges our views. It’s not just human nature – it’s confirmation bias in action. The Stakes Are Real A Yale study found that 76% of business decisions are influenced...

The Crux

Every mountain has its crux – that make-or-break moment where success or failure hangs in the balance. Identifying your crux is the difference between breakthroughs and breakdowns in business and life. Richard Rumelt explains in “The Crux” that we...

Focus: The art of saying ‘No’

The entrepreneurial mind is a bustling marketplace of ideas, opportunities, and tasks. It can be exhilarating, but it can also be paralyzing. The secret to finding focus isn’t in deciding what to do. It’s in choosing what to say no to. As Steve Jobs...