Imagine being on a tour, and no one knows what is happening. It’s not an adventure; it’s a recipe for frustration. Yet, this is how many organizations operate – packing for a vacation without knowing the destination.

Leaders who take the time to set out the endpoint they seek ultimately find that they not only attain the results they expected, but the path towards it is less fraught with deviations and frustrations. A simple question is, “What does success look like?” This can apply to strategies, initiatives, products, projects, and even simple meetings.

When we attempt any complex task, there are likely many paths and multiple decisions that may lead to varying outcomes. We often find that the best route forward is to be clear of the endpoint we seek to achieve.

This adage applies to many elements in daily life, but as much so in business. When taking a vacation, being clear about where we are going and what we want to do helps us align the journey, packing, accommodation, and activities with our goals. Understanding our personal goals gives us an understanding of what we must do to achieve them.

Knowing what we expect to attain will likely get us there faster.
