I marvel at my dog caring for her day-old pups. It’s her first litter, yet she’s a natural. Gone is the attention-seeking companion, replaced by an instinctive nurturer who gives unselfishly – feeding, cleaning, and protecting these helpless beings. No manual was consulted, no classes were attended, and no guidance was needed. She scores perfect tens, stealing quick naps between round-the-clock duties.
In organizations, we often override such natural wisdom. Research from Harvard Business School shows that companies that trust employee intuition in decision-making have 23% higher productivity. Google’s Project Aristotle revealed psychological safety – our instinct to speak up – as the top predictor of team success.
Like that mother dog, we possess an innate knowledge of what excellence requires. The path to breakthrough performance may not lie in more frameworks or processes but in reconnecting with our fundamental instincts about purpose, collaboration, and growth.
When we align our actions with our most profound knowing, resistance fades. Flow emerges. Impact multiplies.
Your gut knows the way forward. Trust it.