Inevitably, we believe that the way we do most things is the best way. How often do you find that the work of others does not meet your expectations and specifications?

Less than perfect is a standard we unknowingly set when we expect it ‘my way.’ Since our expectations are largely unknown to others, how do we expect perfection? Similarly, doing it your way is, yes, your way, and not necessarily the better way.

When we take the time to recognize the effort and seek to understand others’ thought processes, we often find learning opportunities for ourselves and possibly them. And with that comes surprise.

My way is wonderful if you have completely shared your entire train of thought and process with them. If all parameters are explicitly detailed and shared.

Yet it rarely is. Don’t become enamored with your way, for all too soon, you will be doing it all anyway, and that is no way to grow.

Be clear, get out of the way, and support the process to achieve the desired outcome, even if it may not be your way.
