The race is finally over. Sixty-two teams and 182 drivers competed. Forty cars completed the 24 hours, and only four cars were category winners. Yet, the field will be even bigger next year. Why do organizations do this? With its lessons of resilience, adaptability, and determination, the spirit of Le Mans holds valuable insights for organizations striving for success in today’s dynamic business landscape.

  1. Embrace the underdog mentality: Just like underdog teams at Le Mans, organizations should never underestimate their potential to achieve greatness. Embrace the mindset of challenging the status quo, taking risks, and leveraging your unique strengths to disrupt the industry.
  2. Stay in the race: Setbacks are inevitable, but true resilience lies in staying committed and focused on the end goal. When faced with challenges, organizations should remain determined, seek innovative solutions, learn from failures, and persist despite adversity.
  3. If, at first, you don’t succeed. Try again. The heartache of failure of missing the podium, dropping out after months and years of preparation, and almost completing the task can devastate many. Yet, teams come back. What is not a win is a learning opportunity. Organizations may not always attain success, yet if that is your purpose and your goal is well-defined, adapt and come back.

The race is grueling. So is the purpose you have set. Staying in it regardless is what matters. You can overcome adversity, and while winning is the most satisfying goal, it is not why we do it. And the work begins tomorrow for the race next year. It’s not over, but let’s celebrate each milestone and commit to the process.

Lessons from the 24 hours of Le Mans

Yes, I did watch no less than 19 hours of the 24-hour race. The grit, purpose and passion are inspiring in themselves.
