But maybe you’re not.’ I’m fine…and other lies’, the title of the novel by Whitney Cummings, among many books with a similar title, suggests otherwise.

‘I’m fine.’ A typical response to ‘how are you?’ One that shares very little. Or maybe nothing at all. Possibly there is a lot more in that single word.

Could it be an expression of malaise and discontent, but as of right now, I am managing to hold it together? Possibly one that reflects disinterest in this particular discussion and, frankly, no desire to be exchanging words of significance.  And it may just be that there is nothing to report, and all is just unspectacularly normal. 

“I’m fine.” It may just be that you are not, and I am sure we don’t have the time or this is not the place to get into it. But you asked.

To which I may offer ‘So tell me what fine feels like.’
