Some may call it hard work – an element of the foundation of society. Today you will hear people say ‘find your passion.’ And yes, we should be passionate about what we do.

However, is there any value in being passionate and pursuing something you are not good at and will likely not pay you well? For example, being passionate about art or music while lacking creativity may not make sense if you are a software genius.

It is not about passion but instead hard work and perseverance. You will enjoy something you are good at, especially if others show their appreciation for what you do. For example, you may want to have fun at work, but who does not enjoy being successful and recognized for your labor?

We can be passionate and have great ideas. But, inevitably, it is hard work that gets it done. No great idea has come to fruition without effort. Consider in your workplace what success has been attained merely because of a good idea. Ideas, no matter how wonderful they are, require effort and action to bring to life.

We should celebrate Labor Day since it underpins our success – professional, personal, social, and even pastimes. What we put in is what we get out. It’s called work, and it is hard, but it brings accomplishment, and returns, and adds enduring value.
