Hello, 2023! What do you have installed for me, or rather, what will I bring to you? You may be well on track with several changes, improvements, initiatives, and outcomes you have set as a goal for the year. You have planned (hopefully, or how will you achieve it?) and mentally prepared yourself for this day. If you are only getting thinking about the year ahead now, it is not too late. Your goals will likely address finances, family, friends, health, and faith. They are your goals, and that’s great. 

You want to succeed in your quest, so you should. Ask yourself one question – is this change what I want, and am I prepared to make sacrifices and commit to my action plan? If not, it is possibly not that important, so why set yourself up for non-achievement? Take it off.

When considering changes, be selective. You may consider a different approach to the changes you want to make this year. Here are some thoughts.

  • Be kind to yourself – being human suggests we are not always perfect, and rarely, if ever
  • Commit to a personal change that will make you a better person
  • Do it for the team, not you
  • Be realistic in your ambition or desires
  • Appreciate the moment and immerse in that one thing right now
  • Take on something you have always wanted to do
  • Express yourself through an art form
  • Help someone without expecting anything back
  • Make time for friends, especially the ones you know are always there regardless
  • Be kind in all your actions
  • Call your parents
  • Smile as much as you can

Your days will proceed as you choose them to, and you will achieve whatever you truly commit to. Can you attain that this year and be your best version?

May the year deliver what you act on.
