We talk about being fair and creating an equal playing ground. However, what is fair, and is this the universe’s design?

From birth, there is little that is fair. Your birth as a human reading this post would already attest to the advantages presented to you. And yes, you took advantage of the opportunities. As a species, we are not roaming the savannah seeking food or protecting ourselves from predators. That mere thought may have taken you to ‘some days, that is what it feels like.’

We talk of fairness when we feel disadvantaged, or a group or others may be. However, in many ways, creating an unfair advantage has always been the unspoken law of power and supremacy. Think business, politics, society, and even sports, where rules are designed to be fair. It is what it is, and the only change we can control is that which we affect.

Every day we make choices, and we either continue to support the system and its ‘rules’ or seek to alter the playing field deliberately. We can create our fair. It is as simple as who you choose to do business with, the people you vote for, and even the teams you support.  In time, tides do shift, and the pendulum may shift. At that point, what is truly fair?

Fair is a perspective that may well be held uniquely by each individual. Expecting that all you consider impartial is impartial in reality is unlikely since even your view is one from bias. We can only hope when we know there is an imbalance; we will do more than our fair share to help restore equilibrium.
