When is it that everything goes as planned or as you may dream? Even Disney animations appreciate the need for good and bad in any situation since their fiction typically starts with regret, remorse, and death – consider Bambi, Lady and Tramp, and Dumbo. So, it is not only life but also fantasies where the juxtaposition exists.

The silver lining is present in our regrets. Inevitably there is some positivity that we can glean from any bad situation. How often do we not say to ourselves, ‘I wish that had never happened or I had never done…’

Ask yourself again for any such situation, ‘is that true?’  If you say, ‘yes, I wish that situation had never happened,’ then more thoughtfully, consider it again. Suppose you could erase all recollection of the specific event. Would you want to eradicate it and, yet with it, eliminate all memories of the associated people, places, and events that were part of this? Not only for that moment but entirely from your memory. Is your response the same?

Inevitably with much joy, we may experience hardship or pain. The thought of the young toddler way past their bedtime, enjoying life to the fullest, running about and shrieking, much to everyone’s pleasure. Until that dreaded bewitching hour hits, and they change instantly, tiredness and stimulation unveil the treachery of drama and tears. It happens, but we want to experience the initial joy and jest.

While we may have the option to use the eraser, we would likely not choose to since even fiction is filled with drama, so why should we not expect our reality to differ?
