Your thoughts are not reality. They’re just mental noise, a constant chatter that often drowns out your inner wisdom. We live through our perceptions, not in reality itself. Our feelings stem from our thinking about events, not the events themselves.

Like the young monk in the story, disturbed by an empty boat, we react to our thoughts, not what is. The monk’s anger was directed not at the ship but at his reaction to it. All the people or situations that upset us are just like that empty boat – they don’t have the power to make us angry without our reaction.

The mind’s job is survival, not fulfillment. When we don’t understand this, we get angry and frustrated with it. If we keep using our minds, we’ll constantly stay in a state of fight or flight, experiencing anxiety, fear, frustration, and other negative emotions because the mind thinks everything is a threat.

We must go beyond our thoughts and tune into something more significant to find peace, love, and joy. Our goals and dreams should come from inspiration, not desperation. When we create from abundance, we feel profoundly moved and expansive, pulled by a force to manifest something in the world.

The truth is only ever within you. Listen to your intuition, your inner wisdom, not the mental noise. When you do this, you’ll see miracles in your life that you never could have expected or dreamed of.
