As we find ourselves on the 10th day of 2024, it’s a good moment to check in with yourself. Remember those goals, plans, and resolutions you set at the start of the year? How’s the progress coming along?

If you’ve hit a few bumps or detours, don’t be disheartened. Instead, take a step back and consider these three questions to help you refocus:

  1. What’s that one big accomplishment you aspire to achieve this year? Something that, when you look back, will fill you with pride. Whether it’s conquering a marathon, writing a book, or completing a course, schedule a regular time each week to work diligently toward this meaningful goal. Schedule time and plan it in your calendar
  2. How can you strengthen your connections with the people you care about, or even with yourself, if self-care has been lacking? Dedicate at least one full day every other month to enjoy memorable experiences. Plan six special dates for 2024, creating moments of joy and bonding. Schedule time and plan it in your calendar
  3. What habits are you eager to transform this year? Whether it’s improving your nutrition, reading more, or spending quality time outdoors, start with one goal for each quarter. Commit to making daily strides toward changing that one habit.

Taking care of yourself is the key. Work-related goals will always be there, but your success in achieving them relies on prioritizing your well-being first. We all have those off days, but it’s what you do tomorrow that truly counts. Keep moving forward!

And, have fun with this all. Enjoy the process. If you make strides on the above this year, you are well ahead of where you are today.
