We may be angry with some leaders these past few years. So much has occurred that we believe we should have been shielded from. People lost their homes, some their livelihood, others their lives. We are angry, and in many cases, rightfully so, since we believed that those we trusted were making the best decisions for us.

And possibly they did, based upon the information available to them at the time. Putin seemed like a reasonable leader, and the pandemic did not appear as significant at the start. But unfortunately, time has shown us otherwise. Many leaders were wrong in their trust, and while not ideal, we can hope that they applied the best intentions while practicing extreme diligence. 

Those are the same leaders who stand up today and denounce the very element they were in favor of a few months before. So we have it on record. We appreciate that leaders are human, and, understandably, they may be wrong. But, just like when you are, it is honorable for you to admit it and acknowledge that you made a mistake. We expect our leaders to do the same. 

We know they are human too and embrace them for that, rather than them pretending they’re someone they’re not, since that we discover at which point they are now irrelevant.
