Recent reports warn of AI-generated misinformation. But is this surprising? The source of AI’s knowledge is the web itself, a breeding ground for disinformation.

We’re cautious in personal relationships, slow to trust. Yet, we readily believe strangers who engage us indirectly – news outlets, marketers, and now AI.

A study by the Pew Research Center found that 86% of Americans get news from digital devices, often without verifying sources.

Meanwhile, a MIT Sloan Management Review report reveals that only 35% of people trust AI systems.

The irony? We’re more skeptical of AI than the human-generated content it’s based on.

Are our guards misplaced? Are we trusting the wrong sources?

Perhaps it’s time to recalibrate our trust meters. We are as discerning with digital information as we are with personal relationships.

After all, in the age of information, skepticism might be our most valuable asset.
