If we seek growth, we need challenges. It’s not about having fewer problems but bigger ones. If you’re not feeling stretched, maybe your challenges aren’t big enough.

Real growth, however, often comes from those around us who provide the push—a teammate, a supervisor, a coach—someone who doesn’t let us languish in our comfort zone.

A study by the Center for Creative Leadership found that challenging assignments are the primary source of learning for 70% of executives.

As John F. Kennedy said, “We choose to go to the moon in this decade and do the other things, not because they are easy, but because they are hard.”

We need someone who knows we’re capable of more and is prepared to push us towards those goals. Not someone friendly and cuddly, but someone demanding and believing.

If you don’t have that person, find one. Your growth depends on it.

Comfort is the enemy of progress. The suitable challenger can be the catalyst for extraordinary achievement. They’re not just supporters; they’re your personal growth accelerators.

Ask yourself: Who’s pushing you to be better? If you can’t name someone, it’s time to seek out your strong challenger.
