If you threw the trash on the ground, simply pick it up.  But you did not throw it on the ground, and you don’t know who did. What should you do?  Pick it up!  Why, you may ask?  You may argue that it is not your trash.  It is not your home or street. Valid point.  However, we should not litter, litter is unsightly and unwarranted, and inevitably someone else will need to pick it up. Worse off, it may end up in our water run-off system, wash out to sea, add to the demise of our oceanic ecosystem and further the extinction of precious life. 

Each day we are faced with our trash moments.  Do we pick it up, or don’t we?  Of course, we do, knowing that we are saving our planet and our future generations’ prosperity. The reason we pick up the trash is that it is more important to do the right thing than it is to be right. 

Do the right thing, it may be hard, but it will be right.
