We believe we see clearly, enabling us to comprehend a situation or task at hand fully. Through simple synthesis, we think that we understand the best possible solution or steps to be taken going forward. 

But what do we see?  We see with that lens we always have seen through. We view the situation or problem with the typical bias we have for all conditions.  Regardless of who we are, our experiences shape us, and our view into the future is a projection of our past opinions and experiences and not a clear picture of the future.   

Have we taken the time to step back and ask ourselves – what we do not see?  What have we missed? What elements could affect our view?  Have we thought them all through well enough?  We go with the easy route, our past view, because that is what we always do, and it’s comfortable.  Comfortable and easy may be the trusted approach to simple situations; however, if we are looking to improve, innovate, or grow, that will not do.

For a moment, choose any issue that challenges you today. Don’t overthink this; pick one.  Now, ask yourself if you fully understand the problem or situation.  What has led you to this conclusion?  What elements have you possibly not thought of? Is there another perspective that differs from your own that may be worthy of consideration? Why do you discount that perspective so fast,  and what elements of this alternate view should you consider further?  Now, look at it through that lens. What has changed?

When we begin to see the challenge from a perspective other than our own and fully address it from all possible vantage points, that may well be the point when we begin to see with clarity.
