Who does not want to feel more fulfilled, happier, and just plain old joyous? Well, what if I shared a very simple exercise that will get you there in 90 days? And this should take you less than 10 minutes every day. Well, here it is.

Get yourself a journal, and then follow these prompts.

In the evening, just before you go to sleep, answer these two questions:

  1. What three things were a win today? (It may be completing a task, enjoying a walk, exercising, resolving a dispute, etc. It may be something you learned through a failure. You define the win.)
  2. What three things will be a win tomorrow?

In the morning, now answer these questions as early as possible. Do it while you are having a coffee, or just taking a moment.

  1. What three things am I grateful for? (Consider this carefully. Reflect on the big things and the small things. That wonderful cookies and cream milkshake, the compliment you received, the smile offered by a stranger, the 30-minute walk outside at lunchtime, the colors of the trees turning. Again, your gratitude, but be specific and relive it)
  2. What is my #1 priority for the day? Just one. Be reasonable concerning what you can achieve.

Then, repeat the next day, and after that, for 90 days. If you choose to write more, go for it. Look forward to these simple things and enjoy the time. Preferably use pen and paper. If you cannot do so, use a digital format.

Commit to doing it every day. The practice will not only benefit you, but the discipline of doing this will help you gain a sense of competence, likely some breakthroughs, and with that confidence to do more of what you want.

The science behind journaling is compelling. A study published in the Journal of Experimental Psychology found that expressive writing reduces intrusive and avoidant thoughts about adverse events and improves working memory. Another study in Advances in Psychiatric Treatment showed that writing about thoughts and feelings for just 15–20 minutes on 3–5 occasions was enough to help study participants deal with traumatic, stressful, or emotional events.

To a joyous you!
