Patience, often lauded as a virtue, can be a leader’s Achilles’ heel. While it’s valuable in many scenarios, it can also mask inaction and become an excuse for avoiding tough decisions.

Consider Tony Hsieh, former CEO of Zappos. His patience in building company culture was legendary, but he also knew when to act swiftly, like when he offered employees buyouts to ensure only the most committed stayed.

As management expert Ram Charan notes, “Decisiveness is the one characteristic of high-performing leaders that is most widely admired.”

When faced with underperforming employees, failing programs, or inadequate accountability and performance data, patience isn’t a virtue—it’s a liability. These situations demand immediate action, not a wait-and-see approach.

Leaders, are you patiently steering your ship, or have you become becalmed in a sea of indecision? Sometimes the most courageous act is to act at all.
