In the arena of success, metrics are the unsung heroes. The adage “If it’s not measured, it doesn’t matter” isn’t just a catchy phrase—it’s a blueprint for excellence.

Zume Pizza is a startup that uses data analytics to predict pizza orders and optimize delivery routes. Their obsession with metrics led to remarkable efficiency and customer satisfaction before they pivoted to sustainable packaging.

As management guru Peter Drucker famously said, “What gets measured gets managed.”

Organizations fixated on meaningful metrics understand their success levers and pursue them relentlessly. The same applies to individuals—those setting measurable targets typically outperform their peers.

Leaders can gauge their effectiveness by their frequency and attention to critical measures. It’s not about drowning in data but about swimming purposefully in the right metrics.

Where do you stand on the metrics obsession spectrum? Are you navigating with a precise map or sailing blind?

In the game of success, those who keep score usually win.
