We want it. Even when we believe we lack a competitive streak, we still look over our shoulders to see what others in our industry, sphere, and market are doing. It is a benchmark. Their progress, demise, and news will catch our attention.
So, how do we stay ahead of others who compete where we are? Assuming all else is equal, there are a few simple questions we should look to answer to stay ahead of the game.
- What do clients expect from our industry? What does winning look like and require
- What is it that our industry is poor at?
The first requires us to participate in a competitive conversation. However, question 2 could be a differentiator. What frustrates customers about our industry? What are we infamous for? What do we not do well?
If answered and become a foundation for the organization, these questions can be game changers. Yet, in many cases, organizations have no idea what the customer thinks. They have an idea, an inkling self-formed, with no certainty. Have you ever asked your customers what they value about you or what they believe the industry does poorly? You can guarantee the responses will differ from your perspective.
To get ahead of the competition, do what the industry is typically bad at. Commit to it and use it as your point of distinction.