In work, and in life, there are many roles that we assume in time, and over time. And they evolve. Each role comes with a set of responsibilities, and we should appreciate their extent. The roles of spouse, parent, and friend are roles we choose, and in so doing, we have expectations to uphold.  These are unconditional.

Similarly, in the workplace, we assume roles beyond the duties required to perform in our functional capacity. And as we move up in leadership, so does the breadth and depth of the responsibilities increase. No longer can one merely do their job and work towards the singular goal of their team, but instead, the focus extends to that of the organization, people, and a complete understanding of how we influence all activities, the culture, and the organization’s performance.  

The role we assume needs to be respected, and if we cannot, we should question our underlying motivations.

And we can also own it.
