When it comes to communication, practicing radical candor does not mean you have a license to be an unkind, insensitive jerk—quite the contrary. Embracing kindness is the key to leaving a positive, lasting impact on others.

Sure, in the heat of the moment, it may feel easier to be harsh or dismissive. But remember, how you treat people matters. Long after the project is finished, the event is over, or the deadline has passed,  the memory of how you made others feel remains.

Choosing kindness shows respect and empathy and fosters trust collaboration, and mutual growth. It creates an environment where ideas can flourish, and individuals feel safe to share their thoughts and concerns openly.

Being remembered for your kindness will have a ripple effect. People will not only appreciate your sincerity, but they will also admire your ability to balance honesty with empathy. Your genuine care and consideration will forge stronger relationships and build a positive reputation.

So, as you navigate the challenges of professional life, remember the lasting impact you have on others. Choose your words wisely, offer feedback with empathy, and always prioritize kindness. By doing so, others will remember you for all the right reasons and the legacy that inspires them to do the same.

In the end, it’s your call. Will you be the person who uplifts and empowers or the one who tears down and diminishes? Choose kindness, and watch the positive effects ripple through your personal and professional endeavors.
