Today in the USA, we celebrate Mother’s Day, honored last month in many other countries worldwide. While a noble gesture for us to all acknowledge and a reason for celebration, what we instead succumb to are the constant and crafty will of commercial enterprises led by Hallmark and embraced by all consumerism.

In truth, every day should be Mother’s Day, where we recognize, appreciate, and give thanks to the person who gave birth to us and nurtured us through the early years, wiping the tears, soothing the pains, and likely remaining our first fan regardless of what we do.

I miss my Mother immensely. The person with whom I could share anything and not suffer any judgment or repercussion. She was always there for a friendly chat, and no time was ever inconvenient. Yet, she did not enjoy the fuss around Mother’s Day, especially the gifts, but appreciated some pampering and possibly being relieved of the tasks she would typically perform for our family. One assured outcome of the day was the inevitable interesting concoctions put forward in the guise of a meal and, in many instances, putting a mother’s humor to the test when serving her with the supposed treat in her honor.

Happy Mother’s Day to all the women who suffered through pregnancy and childbirth and lie to us that it was such a beautiful experience. Thankfully, your memories are somewhat compromised. You deserve all the pampering you get today and likely do not need it to contribute to a small surge in the GDP.
