I am grateful for the past year in many facets and having spent some time reflecting on the time and discussions with many of you, I am making minor adjustments for the year ahead.

While my goal is to share personal experiences that benefit others, I may write them so that it appears impersonal, yet they never are.

Like many of you, I am also streamlining. Not that simple is easier, but instead, I can focus on more challenging and vital aspects and attain greater fulfillment through simplifying. I appreciate that some of these challenges may no longer be difficult to deal with, with simplicity.

Some elements of focus include:

  1. Prioritize the important
  2. Fewer goals at any one time
  3. Quality over quantity
  4. Kind candor
  5. Stay true to values
  6. Focus on the purpose
  7. Spend time with the people who  matter
  8. Make time for fun

A dry toast, to simple and grateful.
