Recall when you were a child, or even you as a parent, and repeatedly told to do or not do something since it will result in unpleasant and sometimes disastrous consequences. Take a moment to pause and reflect. What comes to mind?

While forewarned, you did just the opposite. The same applies today. Individuals with the best intentions attempt to guide you against pitfalls through encouragement, advice, and suggestions. But, instead, you discard it without a thought and proceed as you have done. In some instances, you may consider the information, but since it is contrary to your ideas or requires a change in the approach, you dismiss it outright.

Sometimes you must accept that the only lessons some individuals may learn are when they fall or fail. It is no sleight in you but a process they need to follow to know firsthand. They may even surprise you and say, ‘my parents warned me from the start’ and likely proceed to do it all again. 
