It is too simple to turn off the alarm and sleep a little longer, not go for the run since it is cold, watch another video, or spend a few minutes liking friends’ posts. Instead, it may manifest in just another few minutes of work before spending time with friends or family or creating to-do lists for others. It is not only happening today but again tomorrow and will likely become a chronic dependence.

These all suggest you should be stricter with your boundaries. Yet, you are the one who knows what is practical and appropriate and will recognize when you have gone beyond reasonable limits. So, why let yourself, or others, down yet again?

Any compulsion that is out of our control is one we will likely regret, and hopefully, we can stop it before it becomes destructive. All these elements are there for us to use and take advantage of, yet we may soon be out of sorts when we allow them to control us.

Getting up when you planned to, exercising as you said you would, or stopping with your compulsion will leave you feeling better. That is all you need right now to get you moving into something else that is worthy of your time. The small things get us off track, and often they are the ones we have the most control of.
