We often resist starting something because we think and possibly know that we are not very good at it. So we don’t start drawing or taking photos, refrain from writing, or don’t take on a new hobby, activity, or sport.

Yet, who was good at anything the first time they attempted something new? Some people may have a knack or inclination, others may have a gift, yet all those who truly mastered anything did so with practice, failure, and the pure intent of betting better. Likewise, a chef creating a new dish will likely go through countless versions of a recipe, a baby learning to walk will fall endlessly before finding stability, and the global sporting phenomenon all began with small steps and no realization of what may be.

We may dream or aspire to something, yet we will never know from the outset. Just beginning and persevering will get you there in anything you dedicate to. What if Oprah Winfrey stopped after being fired from her first television job, Walt Disney changed his career after being told he lacked imagination, or JK Rowling did not start writing while living on welfare? Most successful people we admire today experienced failure early in their endeavors, and many failed repeatedly.

Be humble, and don’t lose another day wondering how you may be; if you don’t begin, you will never know.
