When organizations and teams look ahead, creativity is inevitable, and with that comes imagination of possibilities. As part of strategic planning, teams will come together and realize that some are open and eager for change and the opportunities it presents, while others would prefer to continue to do what they do now with no change or disruption. 

The eager ones will see possibility in contrast to the naysayers who only see challenges. One group sees solutions, while the latter sees problems. The individuals who begin with ‘we cannot do it because…’ or ‘because that is what we have always done are the ones you need to pay attention to. 

Opportunity exists to help the doubters to grow and embrace change. When we can do this successfully, we inevitably obtain a cheerleader who will help lead us on the journey. 

Unfortunately, not everyone is on the same journey, and those who cannot embrace change, which we all know is inevitable, will likely look to bring everyone else down to their thinking. And down is their intent since progress is up and necessary to perform well.

Rather than fight and resist what you already know, it is acceptable to admit that not everyone can align, and at some point, everyone will get off the bus on the journey. If you are driving the bus to where most want to go, gently allow those who do not want to come along to the exit by their choice or coercion. Being intentional in this action, the team will continue to explore openly without harmful distractions while creating space for new aligned, and excited individuals to fill the vacated seats.
