To many in the workplace, these may seem to be intertwined. With a job, you have many responsibilities that you need to undertake. A set of tasks and functions that describe what you do. Inevitably in these situations, there is a struggle between what you choose to do compared what is expected of you. As a result, motivation may wane, and interest diminishes. 

So much of it is how we approach the same situation. If we embrace that we have responsibilities and that our work impacts others, we will be able to take pride in what we do because we appreciate its importance of it. When we are responsible, we soon understand that there is a job we need to do and get on with it.

What do you prefer to do?

While as an organization leader, you may think the onus is on the individual – are they responsible or merely collecting a paycheck? The question for you is, what environment have you created? Is it one where values, a mission, and teaming are critical? Or is it one about profit, attaining the leader’s goals, or one where people do matter?

Like individuals, as organizations, we have choices too. If your culture is less than optimal, or people are not inspired, and at 5 pm, there is an exodus for the exit, it may be time to look internally first.

What is our collective purpose?
