You are who you are. Getting to where you are required hard work and, no doubt, perseverance in thought and purpose. You have some strong opinions and are even open-minded, you follow a typical path, and it is that consistency in thinking that makes you who you are. 

Where are you challenging your thoughts? Where do you obtain the nudge to force growth? First, of course, you may read profusely, and even then, it is reading to your liking, since few will absorb themselves into hundreds of pages of contrarian opinion.

Create a challenge network for yourself that consists of trusted individuals you invite to challenge your thoughts and opinions. Those who can provide an alternate perspective, not necessarily intended to refute or dissuade you, but rather to challenge. 

You have strong views as an artist,  designer, leader, or decision-maker. Those views have made you brilliant. Consider Mike Lazaridis, the founder of Blackberry, who took the company to command the smart mobile device market in the early 2010s.  However, although the smartphone technology most of us are now using today was suggested and offered to the innovative leader, he was unable to allow himself to be challenged enough and consider that users may prefer another option other than a keyboard on their smartphone. How many of you use a Blackberry today?

The challenge network is there for you. Instead, have someone show you an alternate thought today than continue on your path and hit that dead end and demise. The question is whether you are confident enough to invite open feedback and to be thrown on the ropes every once in a while?
