You can tell others something that you want them to believe, some may and others not, due to what they know of you or do not know. Those who choose to believe in you likely want to trust you. Those who do not are waiting for you to prove yourself or may not care at all.

When we are not truthful, we consistently make a fool of one person: ourselves. You may think you are not.  Or you may even feel like crap and that it’s not worth it. Do you live a lie for what gain?

Give it a break. How do you invest in other capacities if you do not invest emotionally? Fight it, denounce the truth, and to what gain?

Can we be honest?  Can we feel aligned? Do all elements of our life align and grow together? If not, you are not aligned.  Embrace what you know and feel. Be honest to yourself and others, and you will prosper.
