Your thoughts may go to panhandlers seemingly desperate and appealing to your kindness, generosity, and empathy. As an outsider, it appears to be a habit and an ongoing cycle, one where someone is at the continuing mercy of others.

What of our own emotional panhandling where you may find yourself in an adverse situation and a state of desperation you ‘chase after’ or beg someone to see your perspective or even possibly change their minds to win their favor. But to what end?

Is anyone or anything genuinely worth losing your dignity over? If a client or company does not want to work with you, how does convincing them otherwise help? The person who chooses to renege on commitments or promises, who continues to cancel meetings, or reluctantly complies will not recognize the value you offer. While you may satisfy an immediate need, the outcomes are unlikely ideal. Where will the cycle cease? 

If you beg today, expect to do so tomorrow as well. But, on the other hand, if you want something lasting, possibly a change in approach is most advisable. How can we expect others to recognize our value when we don’t know ourselves?
