The idea of a team is that many come together in unison to achieve and attain the same objective. The power of the team is unity. The most successful teams share a shared vision and goals, stick together and build one another up, especially in hard times.

It’s not easy to be a good teammate, captain, or successful team leader. Strength comes when you must stand up to face adversity- when you may not be on a ‘winning’ team.  When a person on the team fails, everyone fails. This doesn’t imply it’s an opportunity to distance ourselves from the person or the group because we believe someone has let us down. To the outside world, and more importantly for one another, we must remain unified. 

Should we take the opportunity to have a discussion as a team and resolve any issues? Absolutely. Should we have a conversation with the errant teammate assuming they are not performing consistently? With no doubt. The delivery matters as much as the message. Ridiculing in front of others is embarrassing. But, is that the intent, and what will that achieve other than further fragmentation?

If we are a team, we should win and fail together, and similarly, we need to work together to improve our performance and change any overarching and systemic faults. The power of the team shines through when we are down.
