There is a time when we should decide to move on. Your body knows it, and you feel it in your heart. Yet, you may persevere for altruistic reasons that defy comprehension. It’s likely that if a friend were in that situation, you would advise them that it may be time for a change.

Studies indicate that the percentage of people who say they are “completely satisfied” at work has risen over the past two decades, from 41 percent in 2001 to 55 percent in 2019. In 2020, even though millions of Americans had shifted to remote work, 89 percent said they were either “completely” or “somewhat” satisfied. This is surprising considering the rate of movement and general dissatisfaction. Yet, despite the averages, we are talking about individuals, and frankly, we should all be able to find work that we enjoy and are excited about.

The telltale signs of dissatisfaction are far more apparent than we know and includes:

  • Being bored and having little room to grow and develop
  • Each morning you struggle to go to work, dreading Mondays and longing for Friday
  • You make excuses for not doing the work, miss deadlines, and are rarely motivated
  • You have little in common with your co-workers
  • The environment is toxic and unhealthy
  • The values of the organization do not align with your own.

 If one or more of these apply to you, you may want to consider your future work options and possibly even career choices. While you may not be in a position to resign without any work, it is worth your time to begin to seek alternate options. You do deserve to be happy and content. While applicable to your work, it may reflect other facets of your life. Pay attention.
