If you have chosen to start the year off with a desire to grow and be a better human being, congratulations on committing. This may be a similar path you have taken before. No different to any behavioral changes we seek to make, just like any project, there are a few little tips that may help you get closer to the desired result.

Start small – like running a marathon, one step at a time. Don’t overload your ambitions; set yourself up for success. 

Vision the ideal – what is it that you seek to change or develop. See what it looks like, how you feel, your behaviors, the result. Embrace it.

Step by step – you will not get there overnight, but you need to understand what behavior changes you seek to modify, the habits to change, and when and how you will accomplish it. Write down the plan. The brain is full of many distractions, and its filing system is not ideal.

Be realistic – you have 24 hours, need to sleep, and have commitments.  If you set yourself up for failure by not allocating time, you will be disappointed.  If you wish to achieve multiple elements, break them down by quarter or months, or if need be, every other day.

Climb back on – if you fall off the course, don’t fret. Get back on it tomorrow.

Celebrate the wins – recognize the progress you make.  Look back at periodic intervals and realize what you have achieved and not what you did not achieve.

Get a mate – share your desired changes you seek with someone, and check in with them daily or at minimum weekly. They are there to keep you focused on the course and encourage you. If they don’t, they are not a mate.

Be patient – be patient with the results and be patient with yourself. It took you years to get into your current place; if you want to change, give progress the necessary time it deserves.

Be your impact!
