Is that what it’s all about? You make a move, forcing someone else to make a move.  You move in one direction, and soon enough, others move too. We spend endless time looking at the competition, what do they have that we don’t have, what do they do we don’t do. First mover advantage. How can we differentiate? And the games continue. For a moment, you are ahead, and no sooner do you have the edge, and they are a step ahead. 

In a market of 7 billion people, is it that difficult to connect with a customer base?

Is there an obsession with the competition and what others are doing? Is there a battle? 

Possibly we are fighting our battle: the battle of merely getting things done. If we are not doing it, yes, the competition will be out there. However, the struggle that most are involved in is the one of being visible.

Think about meeting people, old school or online. If you don’t leave home, how will you meet anyone? If you go to the same small venue once a month, you may encounter a couple of people. If you are visible in many places and make yourself available, your likelihood of meeting someone increases.

Is the battle with ourselves? Possibly what we need to do is stop overthinking. Create, show, review, learn and refine. Get things done. The more rejections you may get, the more acceptances you will likely attract.

A battle against ourselves is no competition.
