How often has a parent been stumped by the simple question of a two-year-old repeatedly asking ‘why?’ This simple question reveals complexity while seeking clarity. Young children will begin to use it as soon as they wish to understand what goes on around them. 

The question ‘why?’ reflects a level of engagement and interest. It asks for more and reveals knowledge through each response. The uses for the inquiry are numerous, and we should deliberately include them in our repertoire for innovation and growth.

Why we should embrace the question ‘why’:

Asking the question ‘why’ to the response to a previous ‘why’ question will begin to reveal a further level of granularity. 

‘Why’ will force the individual making the statement to ponder the true intent behind their actions or thoughts.

The question ‘why’ inevitably will save many a red-face, wasted time and resources when asked early on in the process, rather than in the final steps.

The question ‘why’ helps bridge one of the most prominent organizational challenges: communication. 

Take the time to ask this question of yourself. It can become your guide and will help explain many of your thoughts and actions. At the very least, regular questioning will help define the purpose and give meaning to direction.

Why would you not ask the ‘why’ question?
