Coffee or tea

We are fortunate and inundated with choices. Coffee or tea? From here, the options are endless.  You can lose yourself in them, and each option is unique with a set of convinced disciples. What do you choose?  What is the preparation method, flavor profile,...

Fingers and thumb

When something does not go to plan, what is your reaction?  Do you look to point fingers at someone and blame them for failing. For example, you lost a contract, a relationship is in tatters, or you did not complete your work commitments. How simple it may seem...

Stop thief

Would we be upset if someone accused us of stealing? To knowingly take from another that is not rightfully ours? Yet, unconsciously we are likely guilty of that exact practice. When we are employed, we agree that we will give a certain amount of our time, skills, and...

Sorry seems to be the hardest word to say

From the earliest age, we learn that the right answer is good, how to tell right from wrong.  We receive applause for doing the right thing and revered for being right. Regardless of all our efforts and best intentions, we sometimes get it wrong or are just at...

Reveal your superpower

 Like many Marvel or DC Comics characters have untold superpowers, there is little doubt you have your own. Yours may not result from a genetic jackpot or an accident of nature but instead, one that you have likely nurtured. Inevitably it is one of choice. Being...