No hit or miss, but guaranteed success

“Projects are the engines of progress.” – Peter Drucker Unleash the power of project management and witness the transformation from chaos to extraordinary success. Whether planning a dream vacation, revamping your living space, or organizing a simple...

A fresh canvas

An artist appreciates that there may be times when the original vision for the art is not necessarily evolving as intended. The color palette does not work, the shape is not forming, the music does not match the words.  While an option may be to try and remedy...

Potential and execution

Planning is an essential part of all we do. Any plan that is not well thought out can go awry fast and lead to an untold loss in time and expenses. The plan sets the course and is a must. Yet, that is all it is, thoughts and direction, devoid of action. The ability to...

Need to plan

Going on vacation is something we can all agree upon. An excellent idea and something to look forward to. The question is where to, when, how, and on and on.  It is unlikely we will take a vacation without doing some planning. Even if we choose to take a trip...